How to get your mojo back at work
8 min read | Maggi Evans | Article |

If you’re losing your mojo at work, we understand. These trying times are tough on everyone, so you’re not alone in feeling this way. Check out our top tips below to help bring your work mojo back.
How are you feeling? Really? We’ve spoken to lots of people recently who are putting a brave and happy face on things, but underneath, they’re struggling, they’re feeling despondent and finding it hard to motivate themselves at work. They feel as if they’ve lost their work mojo.
Looking for your lost work mojo at a glance
If you’re finding it hard to find work motivation, don’t worry. We can help you to improve the situation. Start by being kind to yourself and aiming to understand why you feel off. You can write things down to help make sense of your feelings and the exact causes.
Secondly, you can begin to take small steps towards altering your energy flow. Pay attention to what gives you more energy and take a new approach to the things that drain it. Every small win is a step closer to increasing your energy levels back to their usual state.
Keep reading to get the full picture of what you can do to bring back your work mojo.
If you would like to speak to an expert about anything career-related, get in contact with one of recruitment consultants.
Three things to try if you’ve lost your work mojo
More and more seem to be asking themselves “where’s my work mojo gone and how do I find it again?” Here are the three tips to help you get back on track.
1. Be honest and kind to yourself
If you’re feeling a bit low, it can be tempting to try to brush things under the carpet. You might also be telling yourself that you need to ‘get your act together’ and be positive and grateful for what you have. These approaches all have their place, but it’s also really important for your mental health to spend a bit of time listening to your mood and giving yourself some space to accept that you are finding things challenging.
It can be helpful to write things down. Aim to answer questions like ‘how do you feel’, ‘what are you worried about’, ‘what are you finding challenging’, ‘what’s draining your energy right now’, and ‘what’s giving you energy’. This is the ‘be honest’ bit.
Then you need to ‘be kind’ – to accept that these feelings are a natural response to what’s going on. All of the uncertainty, change and health/economic fears, first with Covid-19 and now with the energy prices crisis and the war, play directly into our bodies experiencing a sense of ongoing threat. So, it’s not surprising that we feel a bit ‘off’.
You can also be kind by giving yourself some praise – others may not be giving you as much positive feedback as normal, so you may need to pause and give yourself a pat on the back, recognise what you’re doing well and celebrate it!
2. Take small steps
Look at your summary of what’s going on right now at work. It can often help to think of this as energy flows. I often think of a bath and use the language of taps (the things that give you energy) and drains (the things that let the energy seep away).
Get your problem-solving hat on. How can you reduce or change the energy drains, and increase the flow through the energy taps? How could you create more taps? The answers to these will be unique to you.
For some, it will be about doing more of the things they love – exercise, time with friends, reading, and in the work context it may be working on a particular project or with a specific client.
For others, it will be about tackling some of the energy drains. This could include accepting that you don’t have to clean the house every day, or (this is one of mine) getting all of your ‘admin’ jobs out of the way first thing in the morning, so they don’t hang over you like a cloud for the whole day.
Whatever it is, choose some small steps to adjust your energy flow and see what happens.
3. Visualise
When you’re dealing with a lost mojo at work, it can be hard to imagine ever finding it again. This is where visualisation can really help you.
Take five minutes of quiet time. Think back to a time when you felt ‘on fire’ – positive, successful, happy, productive, fulfilled, and spend time remembering this. Take yourself back into that moment, focusing on what you could see, what you could hear and how you felt.
Try to experience those emotions again, feel the smile spread over your face, feel the energy, the lightness. Capture that feeling because it’s a real part of you. Spending a bit of time each day connecting with your past work mojo will make it easier to find it in the present.
What you need to remember about seeking your work mojo
As you try out these tips it can be helpful to keep a simple diary, or mood journal, of how you feel at different times of the day. This can help you to be honest and kind in the long term, and also to take some small steps to make changes where you can. It can also help you to see the positive times, the times when your work mojo is in full swing – it might be there more often than you realise!
However, if you find that your work mojo is still missing – remember that there are other people out there who can help. You can talk with your manager, speak with your colleagues, or get in touch with counselling support if this is offered by your organisation.
Take a look at our career advice page for more useful tips for every stage of your working life from job seeking to succeeding in your career.
About this author
Maggi Evans is an experienced consultant and coach with international experience across a wide range of sectors including professional services, financial services, retail and FMCG. She is a Chartered Occupational Psychologist and combines research and practice to develop practical solutions to drive business improvement.
Maggi has been a consultant for over 20 years, specialising in talent strategy and talent development. She has a reputation as an insightful consultant, helping clients to reduce the ‘noise’ around an issue so they can focus and act on key issues which will make a difference. Maggi is on a mission to help organisations, leaders and individuals to liberate talent. Her first book ‘From Talent Management to Talent Liberation’ has recently been published.